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인증 단체 이미지

국제의료기관평가 마크

Accreditation of the
Joint International Commission

Compliance with international medical standards!

Periods of certification of the LEDAS clinic by the JCI commission:

"Every patient has the right to receive quality
and safe medical care in a timely manner"

What is JCI?

This is the world's most authoritative certification system for medical institutions, recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO), the purpose of which is to ensure patient safety and the provision of quality medical services, infection control, quality of medical care, patient care, international patient safety goals, etc. This is a procedure for checking the safety of a medical institution by reviewing and evaluating 1200 objects in 14 categories in accordance with international health standards.

외국인 환자 유치 의료기관 인증 평가 마크

Korean Accreditation Program for
Hospitals Serving Foreign Patients

Safe and comfortable medical care for foreign patients!

Periods of certification of the LEDAS clinic by the KAHF commission:

"Medical institutions providing
the best services to foreign patients"

What is KAHF?

This is a system that the Ministry of Health and Welfare has developed to evaluate medical institutions that provide excellent medical services and safe treatment conditions to foreign patients. KAHF-certified clinics are reliable medical facilities for patients who have difficulty communicating in Korean. KAHF certification is achieved through rigorous checks on approximately 149 items in two main categories, including the International Patient Specialization System and the Patient Safety System.

Kim Byoung Joon LEDAS Varicose Vein Clinic is a unique medical institution that has
received JCI certificates 3 times and KAHF certificates from the Ministry of Health and Welfare twice.

  • 고용노동부

    • Strong small enterprise
    • Youth friendly strong small enterprise

  • 문화체육관광부

    • Leisure-friendly company
    • Sports-friendly company

  • 여성가족부

    • Excellent family-friendly company

  • 부산광역시

    • Leading medical institution for Busan medical tourism